Tuesday 29 September 2009

News Reader-V0.3

According to request from one of my italian friend,i have now added atom feed for sky-italia.So now you can select sky-italia from the site list along with other popular news sites such as CNN,Fox,BBC,Sky etc.


This version involved addition of help screen for people who tried to launch the app widget from Menu of the phone.It shows them how to correctly launch the app widget as its different from other normal widgets.

Sunday 27 September 2009

Adding NewsReader AppWidget Onto Android Phones

NewsReader is a television style appwidget which sits on your homescreen providing you with latest news along with notification as and when new news appears.
Hold the home screen until you see "Add to Home Screen" and select widgets option from that screen.
You cant launch this widget from the menu.

Than select NewsReader from the list.
1)you can select notification if you want along with feed refresh interval(How often you want phone to ping for latest news) and interested newssite
Some of the icons used in this app are from freeiconsweb.com.

1)Clicking on the news logo will take you to home page if news site.
2)Clicking on notification will take you to news story.
3)In order to focus the widget(so that the news item scrolls),you need to click on the widget.

Images are shown above.

Update:After i uploaded to android market,i got an email from one of the user kindly suggesting me that the app doesnt work for 1.6 sdk.So i made relevant changes and published to the market.So if you have downloaded the earlier version,please clear the data/uninstall and install the new version(Assuming that you were running the app on 1.6 SDK)

Next Release:
I will soon be coming with the release of next version with the ability to add your own feed and much more.Thanks